YZN 1-M 0F23:007F:0938:0000 Urchusuja Void
[YZN 1-M 01DF] Wasbury
Date of arrival: 2022-06-03 CE
Distance from galactic core: 742,000 LY
System default name: Wasbury
Star type: Blue
Dominant lifeform: None
Economy: None
Station type: None
Multitool cabinet class: N/A
Checked for experimental/alien multitools: Not checked
Travel notes:
I like the name. Blue Wasbury.
Wed Wasbury
Default name: Usetebo XIX
Distance: 86,000u
Type: Torrid Planet
Solanium and activated indium. Phosphorous. I need a farm for two of those things I think. High Sentinel activity though. Not a fan of that.
Dropped the comm station next to the distress beacon of a Traveller. Got an S-class suit updgrade from the thing near their comm station!
Bwu Wasbury
Default name: Kastleph Major
Distance: 860,000u
Type: Barren Planet
Cactus Flesh and Pyrite, which I need. High Sentinel activity, which I don't.